Sound Proof Fences

“Create an Oasis of Serenity”

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Sound Proof Fences and Acoustic Walls

Turn your Home into an Oasis of Serenity

Reduce traffic noise and neighbourhood noise by up to 75% with an acoustic fence.

  • Acoustic fences are half the price, quicker and easier to install than traditional rendered brick walls.
  • Acoustic fence panels are environmentally-friendly, made from recyclable materials and low Co2 emitted manufacturing process.
  • Click to view Recent Projects.
  • Click to learn more about Impact Fencing Australia.

Sound Proof fencing is a noise wall designed to surround your property and reduce the amount of noise that can penetrate your home. A solid noise barrier fence intercepts the sound waves and reduces the noise level in the shadow it casts. The higher the fence sound barrier the less sound you’ll hear.

Sound Proof Fence Traffic Noise

How a Sound Proof Fence Works

An acoustic wall or sound barrier fence is a noise barrier placed between a noise source like road traffic and a receiver usually a home owner. The first step is to work out the sound pathway by which noise enters your property.

Sound Proof fence

Source Image:

To be effective, an acoustic fence needs to be HIGH enough to block the “line of sight” between the highest point of the noise source and the highest part of the receiver. The sound barrier fence must also be long and continuous to prevent sounds from passing around the ends.

People perceive a 10-decibel drop in sound as half as loud. A properly designed outdoor soundproofing fence can reduce noise by as much as 15dba which is a 75% reduction in noise volume for the homeowner.

Acoustically, any solid continuous structure will suffice, provided that it is high enough, and provided that the barrier is of adequate mass and density. Common fence material includes masonry, bricks, concrete blocks, stone, precast concrete and timber. The timber noise barrier is more economical but less durable.

We recommend building an Acoustic Panel fence as they are half the price of the rendered brick fence.

What is sound?

Sound is a kind of energy that’s produced when things vibrate. The energy has to go somewhere, so it travels outward, away from the noise source, making objects and the air all around us vibrate in sympathy until what’s left of the energy reaches our ears. Doubling the distance from a noise source can reduce its intensity by as much as 30% (6 dBA)

Understanding how sound waves travel through the air and solid materials is the key to stopping it. The sound starts life at a source, travels through one or more media like air, enters our ears, and lights up our brains. And if you want to stop it in its tracks you have to interrupt that chain of events somewhere along the route. Sound energy needs a medium such as air to carry it along. An open window lets in air and air carries sound waves into your home.

    Sound Proof Fencing Traffic Noise

Noise Reduction fence – Sound Insulation

Sound waves travel through the outside air, hit the walls and windows of your home, and make those solid materials vibrate; the sound than penetrates into your room.

You can reduce incoming noise by blocking any direct air pathways that allow sound to travel from the outside to the inside.

The sound insulation property of a noise wall or noise barrier fence depends on its mass area ratio. The greater the mass of the wall, the harder it is to vibrate the wall, thus the better the insulating property will be.

Therefore, it is better to choose a dense and heavy material like clay brick, reinforced concrete or heavy steel plate that reflect sound waves and provide better sound insulation. Once you’ve reduced incoming sound as much as you can, you can then try sound absorbing techniques.

Sound Absorption

Sound absorption usually involves using rubbery materials that soak up incoming sound energy so there’s less to transmit onwards into a room. Good sound-absorbing material is light, loose and porous like felt, cork, rubber, and elastic carpet.

Acoustic materials are added between walls to soak up vibrations. Typical materials include fibreglass, neoprene rubber and viscoelastic foam. Sound waves are absorbed rather than reflected by these materials.

Noise Reduction Fence a two-part Solution

Sound Insulation and Absorption are two different techniques at work, but they typically go hand in hand. Sound insulation and sound absorption are usually placed together to reduce noise vibrations. In a home, an elastic liner is placed between two walls or the frame of a building and the outer wall.

Acoustic Fence Panels
Sound Proof Fence Lisarow NSW 2250

Acoustic Panel Fence the Best of Both Worlds

Acoustic panels are constructed from two outer layers skins of fibre cement, laminated to a lightweight EPS core. The sound insulation effect of polymer foam core comes into play in the following two ways: (1) the porous body absorbs sound wave energy to terminate the reflection and transferal of the sound waves; (2) the porous body eliminates resonance and decreases noise. When the sound wave arrives at the cell wall of a pore in polymer foams, it will strike the pore and make the gas within it to be compressed. This causes hesitation, so the impact energy of the sound wave will dissipate. In addition, increasing the rigidity of the polymer foams can eliminate or decrease the resonance and noise caused by the sound wave hitting the pores.

Sound Proof Fencing Cost?

Acoustic fence cost for the Greater Sydney Region. As at 30 Jan 2021

Cost Breakdown – Job in Rouse Hill NSW 2155

30 lineal metre acoustic fence at 1.8 metres high with 75mm thick acoustic panels. With large pier style posts.

1.8 m high x 30 lineal metres = 54 square metres of fencing sound barrier

The two main suppliers of Acoustic fence materials in NSW are Modularwalls and Wallmark

Noise Wall
Modularwall’s Material Pricing

VogueWall – is a Modular Wall which emulates the robust look of traditional masonry, by using larger posts to recreate the look of brick piers.

  • 250mm x 150mm Post (Primed Galvanised Steel)
  • 75mm thick Acoustic wall panels
  • Average noise reduction 20-25db

Material Costs $6,936.00 

Estimated freight cost to home $801.00

Total material costs = $7,737.00  (includes GST) 

Wallmark Material Pricing

Urbanwall – a cost-effective alternative to a block wall

  • 240 x 240 Galvanised Steel Post
  • Acoustic wall panels are 75mm thick
  • Average noise reduction 20-25db

Urbanwall material cost $4,962.00 + GST

Estimated freight cost to home $624.00 +GST

Total material cost = $6,145 (includes GST)

Impact Fencing – Install Fees 

Measure, mark out and excavate post holes 450mm diameter x 1000mm deep. Arrange concrete pour and install posts. Cut and install fence panels, Install post top caps and seal all rebate and post junctions. Place all packaging, offcuts and waste into a skip bin.

$4,760 (Includes GST)

Total Cost

The total sound proof fencing cost includes Wallmark Materials $6,145 + Impact Fencing Install fees $4,760 = $10,905 (Includes GST) 

$202.00 per square metre

NOTE: this does not include the costs to paint the completed fence

Highway sound barrier wall cost?

A highway sound barrier is at greater heights and usually require the use of scaffold and a forklift or manitou. The overall complexity of the job increases. We would normally require a set of plans to provide an accurate quotation for Freeway Sound Barriers.

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